
Random observations, teachings and musings of a well trained cubicle superhero.

Friday, January 13, 2006

2 about sound.

Before we begin.
1. We'll be at Paupers if you need us.
2. Where the hell is the screwdriver!

Hunt the Wumpus
If anyone reading had a TI-994a computer as a kid.....ok...I had a TI-994a Texas Instruments Computer as a kid. One of my fave games, other than Parsec was the loosely strategic game, Hunt the Wumpus. Just as entertaining as the gameplay, was the brainmelting audio accompanyment in full frequency like 5 tone MIDI sound.
Admittedly I havent waded fully into this page, but the concept melts orchestration of the score and live action gameplay in one.
Looky here : http://david.jensenius.org/?p=16
from we-make-money-not-art

Breathers http://breather.labbs.net/wiki/
From the Breathers page: Breather is a solar-powered electronic device made from a solar panel, a small circuit, and a speaker. Put into a container and attached to a south-facing wall it converts solar light into chirping sounds
In short a solar cell and a speaker: that emits chirpy noises.
Theres this weird attempt to create this counter-culture vibe on the site. Going so far as to mention that they are operating on hopping IP ranges or some such impossibility.
Found doing a google on IPv6 for a trainee.
also on we-make-money-not-art ->which lead me to the wumpus thing above.
I love the internets.
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