
Random observations, teachings and musings of a well trained cubicle superhero.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sony PSP video capabilities roundup

I have been a staunch supporter of portable personal video for eons, well before the technology was even close to ready. From the Game Gear TV adapter to the shitty Radioshack LCD tvs to most recently playback on the Sony PEGUX50. I simply cant understand why the last round of MP3 players didn't include multi-format playback as with Archos. While googling whether someone has hacked Sony's Location-Free Tv server to do something better than just "unusable" tv streaming, I came across the following links that talk about potential upgrades to allow for LFTv, VOD, and TV via PSP. cool.

Memory Stick TV Tuner: not specifically for PSP, but proof of concept.

Vague Streaming Video Announcement: via IGN "Voodoo Extreme"

Korean Launch to include Online access:(gamespot)browsing, streaming movie/music player inc
Sony to port LocationFree TV to PSP, laptops: via engadget

Sony Connect Video Official encoding/downloading tutorial: from modojo

ps Futureshop now has a bundle for $299.00 CDN here.
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