
Random observations, teachings and musings of a well trained cubicle superhero.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Recarpeting at the house and rewiring the office network.
Will be offline for some time. Considering going Wireless G and running the existing B on a second channel to support the legacy equipment. I'm so very tired.
Opinions appreciated on different G router Manufacturers. I'm paying retail, so cheap links would be helpful too.

Oh 1 good link today. When pulling media streams out of code (usually to download it to your computer like xml) I usually just copy the URL to Google and it produces a link. Sometimes this method fails. This link will take any link and create an HTML link you can right click and choose save as with. Saves you the trouble of creating a HTML doc for one stupid link. It's also from the lovely people who brought you the GMail-O-Matic that I linked to before....which is currently blown up. 80000 gmail invites smothered their database.
Anyway here's the link. http://isnoop.net/url.php
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