
Random observations, teachings and musings of a well trained cubicle superhero.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Garden State, the Shins

I've been hyping this band like I was their manager for the past 4 months or so, and they're on cemented Lyra rotation. I'm pleased to hear they're featured in Garden State, which looks very promising.
There is actually a line in the film that says listen to this song, it will change your life, or something. This is the track that is played: Shins-New Slang.
These are the two tracks that hooked me: Gone For Good, and Kissing the Lipless
This is definately WAY more popish than what I normally I gravitate to, but damned if these crackers aint got my ear.
I'd never have heard them without A. Finding the Sub-Pop MP3 page, and B. buying the Lyra to play the MP3s. I also like Iron&Wine listen dem.
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